Monday, February 21, 2011

It's Not as Bad as It Looks

I've been through a lot of things in my 16 years of living. Including the death of 2 fathers AND a father-like figure (MJ), a Mother with a life threatening disease, being teased, low self esteem, being expelled for a minor infraction, being arrested for drug possession, changing schools over 5 times, moving over and over, and the list goes on and on........


Right now, things aren't as bad as they could be. The only real issue I have now is that I'm not in school which leaves me at home, ALONE, with my thoughts, and obsessions, all day. That's never good for someone with such a great mind like me. It often makes me feel like I'm going crazy. Being alone, with nothing to do all day also gives me TOO MUCH TIME to cyberstalk the people I wish I could be with. This is what makes me think that they have become my WORLD.

Hopefully, my life will take a turn for the better next fall when I go back to school for the...what...3rd time? lol But I'm not bitching out this time. It's not worth it, man. It's just not worth it.

There's so much life out there and I hate missing out on it.

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